Integrations | Chatbot Library
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Integrations Help us to Install or put our chatbot on different platforms.

Right now Zaroc doesnt allow you to Integrate, cause these all are external process, but If helps you to easily build responses and handle request from our backend.

Website Integration (Dialogflow Messenger)

Web Development has by far, the most features, events and tools to handle a Chatbot.

Also its the main focus Integration of Zaroc.

If you want to integrate your chatbot to a WebPage I recommend you use Dialogflow Messenger, check how to integrate HERE or check the Official Doc HERE

I encourage you to check Zaroc Doc, give a look at the Tutorials and lets go.


  • Website that runs html, css, js.


  • Create your bot (you dont need to create an amazing bot, you only need to have it created like the default bot)
  • Go to integration section
  • Select Dialogflow Messenger and enable the integration.
  • Copy the html code and paste it on a url (On this url the bot will live)