Integrations Help us to Install or put our chatbot on different platforms.
Right now Zaroc doesnt allow you to Integrate, cause these all are external process, but If helps you to easily build responses and handle request from our backend.
- Web
- Telegram
- webApp
Website Integration (Dialogflow Messenger)
Web Development has by far, the most features, events and tools to handle a Chatbot.
Also its the main focus Integration of Zaroc.
If you want to integrate your chatbot to a WebPage I recommend you use Dialogflow Messenger, check how to integrate HERE or check the Official Doc HERE
I encourage you to check Zaroc Doc, give a look at the Tutorials and lets go.
- Website that runs html, css, js.
- Create your bot (you dont need to create an amazing bot, you only need to have it created like the default bot)
- Go to integration section
- Select Dialogflow Messenger and enable the integration.
- Copy the html code and paste it on a url (On this url the bot will live)
Facebook Integration (Facebook Messenger)
There are many ways to integrate our chatbot with Facebook Messenger, I recomend you to Try a native connection between Dialogflow + Facebook, you can check that HERE
If you got the connection successfull I encourage you to check Zaroc Doc, Try the tutorials and lets go with some Fb Templates.
After that, when being in control of this part of DF and FM, check some provider or try to revalidate your business with Facebook in order to use the external Structures.
- Facebook Account
- Page Account on Facebook
- Facebook Developers account
- Create your bot (you dont need to create an amazing bot, you only need to have it created like the default bot)
- Access Facebook Developers and create an app (the name of this app can be the name o your bot)
- This app will be another app, go to messages permissions and select only Messages input and Messages output
- Go to Dialogflow Integration tab and click on Facebook, here you will need to type a prefered password
- On Facebook Developers, go to webhook tab, then link a page.
- Then in webhook tag start the webhook integration, copy the webhook url that facebook provides and paste the password you typed on dialogflow
- Paste the webhook url in dialogflow. Click on connect on facebook first, then on dialogflow.
- Talk to your page and your bot will respond.
Telegram Integration (Telegram Channel)
Telegram has by far more functionalities than Facebook, not more than web but have specific facilities that makes it an amazing platform where a Chatbot could live.
- Telegram Account
- Create your bot (you dont need to create an amazing bot, you only need to have it created like the default bot)
- Go to telegram and search for BotFather (real bot father has the blue checkmark)
- Inside of the chat of the bot, select the option /create new bot, then provide the some information about name, nameid
- BotFather will send you a token API, on Dialogflow Integration on Telegram, you will need to put this token.
- BotFather also provide the chanel to talk to your bot, also Botfather helps you to customize their image, description, etc.
WhatsApp Integration (WhatsApp Cloud API)
Keep in Mind
WhatsApp has a hard environment (and deployment) cause of high prices to use API, at the first time I recommend you to use simple Apps that can help us to connect WhatsApp with Dialogflow only for Text.
AutoResponder (APK) can help you to make this connection.
Currently you can use a Paragraph Block that is avaiable for Zaroc right now, in addition you can get Parameters, values from the Request, use fallbacks and implement contexts. With these tools you can create an Amazing bot in the meantime.
For direct Whatsapp API
- Meta Account Verified
- Meta Business Account Verified
- Meta Facebook Developers Account
- SimCard (Once you use a number for a Chatbot youll lose the ability to use on your phone for common messaging)
- Current on BETA
WebApps Integration (Dialogflow Messenger on Webview)
Create your Chatbot in Dialogflow Messenger, after that you can create a APP with a WebView from Android Studio (for example). Then install on your Phone and there you got. You have a chatbot on your Phone as APP.
Check how to do That HERE
- Dialogflow Bot Deployed on Dialogflow Messenger
- Android Studio installed
- Create a Project, add only a webview on it.
- Add your Dialogflow Messenger bot url on the webview
- Make JavaScript available for use
- Deploy your app, download your apk and install on your phone.